Let us design the perfect playground for children of all ages and capabilities. You dream it, we build it!

What We Offer

At Innovative Recreation we build only the finest play and recreation sets. Custom designed or ordered from several pre-configured systems, our equipment and flooring substrates provide the safest and most exciting play areas for children of all ages.
We offer outdoor fitness areas, splash pads, playground equipment, and play area amenities like seating and shade, safety borders, fencing and safety surfacing. We install rubber mulch, artificial turf, plastic borders and wood mulch for your play set area. We also build ADA compliant play areas so that all the children can enjoy the outdoors.
  • Schools

  • Churches

  • Municipalities

  • Daycares

  • Design/Planning

  • ADA Offerings


Playground Equipment

Play - a word that is synonymous with setting the mind free, using your imagination and creativity. Commercial playground equipment from Innovative Recreation provides children with vital life skills by providing the opportunity for cognitive, physical, creative, and social development.

You can find a variety of play equipment from classic swings, slides, springers and seesaws, to urban climbing and multi-level play structures. Every piece of play equipment incorporates years of experience and research to offer not only a fun experience, but provide maximum play value to users. That's what sets our playgrounds apart from the rest.

playground splashpad

Splash Pad

Play areas plus water features equals a fun and exciting time for everyone! Splash pads and splash features enable you to get the most of of Summer time for your specific needs. With little to no standing water splash pads also provide a sense of security to outdoor play areas!

playground shade


Shade structures are beneficial to beat the Summer heat! These free standing structures provide shade to your playground area!

outdoor fitness

Outdoor Fitness

Exercise and fresh air, natural partners and a universal formula for feeling good. With dedication you can get fit in a gym, but bottled-up inside, you miss out on the one aspect that most makes you feel really great, nature. The sun on your back, the breeze in your face, even the refreshing drop of rain, turns vigor into invigorating. Combine products yourself or chose from our solutions based on best practice.


Outdoor Surfacing

Choosing play equipment is fun, but don't overlook the importance of your playground surfacing.


ADA Offerings

Incorporate our ADA play equipment into your playground design. Children with disabilities can enjoy the same playground experience as everyone!

We work closely with you and carry out research to understand your needs and wishes.